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The Sims Wiki
The Sims: Unleashed The Sims 2: Pets The Sims 3: Pets The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs The Sims 4: My First Pet Stuff

Litter box
A cat using a litter box in The Sims.

Litter boxes are objects present in The Sims: Unleashed, The Sims 2: Pets, The Sims 3: Pets, The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs and The Sims 4: My First Pet Stuff. They are used to fulfill the bladder motive of cats.

The Sims: Unleashed[]

Dunginator 9000[]

Dunginator 9000
Game The Sims: Unleashed
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §139
Object type(s) Motives
Size 1x1

The Dunginator 9000 is a quick, inexpensive way to take care of your cat's business. So simple in design, even mentally challenged cats can figure it out, with some training. Our box is larger and wider than the standard size, which means even the most obese cats fit safely inside. The sturdy cover greatly reduces the chance of kids and dogs gaining unwanted access. The Dunginator 9000 is worth every cent and so much more.

The Sims 2: Pets[]

"Mentionable" Plastic Litter Box[]

"Mentionable" Plastic Litter Box
TS2 LitterPan
Game The Sims 2: Pets
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §150
Object type(s) Motives
Size 1x1

A striking example of what feline toilet facilities are meant to be! Brought to you by the creators of the "Mentionable Porcelain Toilet, the "Mentionable" Plastic Litter Box will be the clear choice of felines everywhere by once again making the unmentionables...mentionable. Streamlined, smooth plastic and vivid colors make this something that every cat owner - and cat - must have!

Comes in four recolors: Yellow, Green, Blue, and Pink.

The Sims 2: Pets (console)[]

Mentionable Plastic Litter Box[]

Mentionable Plastic Litter Box
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Game The Sims 2: Pets (console)
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §50
Object type(s) Motives
Size 1x1

Brought to you by the creators of the Mentionable Porcelain Toilet, the Mentionable Plastic Litter Box has been carefully formulated to capture pet waste through a series of cleverly intersecting planes made from discarded runcible spoons.

Bladder: 8

The Sims 3: Pets[]

Pretty Kitty Litter Box[]

Pretty Kitty Litter Box
Ts3p pretty kitty litter box
Game The Sims 3: Pets
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §65
Object type(s) Motives
Size 1x1

Cats prefer to potty indoors! Filled with bio-degradable litter and easy to clean the Pretty Kitty Litter Box is a must for any home with feline inhabitants. If the litter box gets too dirty your cat may decide to go potty elsewhere, so be sure to keep it clean!

The Litter Box of the Future[]

The Litter Box of the Future
Ts3p futuristic litter box
Game The Sims 3: Pets
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §300
Object type(s) Motives
Size 1x1

Cleaning dirty litter boxes is a chore of the past! The Litter Box of the Future makes excellent use of the most futuristic feature of all - Lasers! Pew! Pew! Cat refuse is automatically vaporized in a matter of minutes! Warning: Vapor may be stinky.

The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs[]

Mr. Tinkles Litter Box[]

Mr. Tinkles Litter Box
Mr. Tinkles Litter Box
Game The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs
Buyability Build Mode
Price in game §25
Object type(s) Pets
Size 1x1

Cats prefer to pee inside and this litterbox will ensure they do not ruin your plush carpets. Not only that, it's tidy and odor absorbing. Mr. Tinkles: For when there's animal pee pee in your home.

Katzen Poopen[]

Katzen Poopen
Katzen Poopen
Game The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs
Buyability Build Mode
Price in game §50
Object type(s) Pets
Size 1x1

It is a necessity of ze cat that they lick themselves, sit on ze high perches, und take a rousing poo poo from time to time. Fear not! Ze award winning Katzen Poopen has ze perfect box in which your tiny kitty can make all ze poo poos they want with nary a fuss! [sic]

Litter-Matic Scoop-Free[]

Litter-Matic Scoop-Free
Litter-Matic Scoop-Free
Game The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs
Buyability Build Mode
Price in game §175
Object type(s) Pets
Size 1x1

This automatic self-cleaning litter box has the latest robot sensory tech to rake away unsightly matters left behind by your feline. Clean up is a breeze with only an occasional emptying to keep up the systems moving and functional.

Litter-Laser: Self-Cleaning Litter Box[]

Litter-Laser: Self-Cleaning Litter Box
Litter-Laser- Self-Cleaning Litter Box
Game The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs
Buyability Build Mode
Price in game §400
Object type(s) Pets
Size 1x1

The maker of Litter-Laser stayed up all night brainstorming and decided that there are two things that everyone loves: Cats... and lasers! This litter will clean itself using the latest laser technology to zap away any trace of stink. WARNING: Keep cats away from lasers during cleaning process.

The Sims 4: My First Pet Stuff[]

Chow Down Litter Box[]

Chow Down Litter Box
Chow Down Litter Box
Game The Sims 4: My First Pet Stuff
Buyability Build Mode
Price in game §75
Object type(s) Pets
Size 1x1

The gaping feline maw on the Chow Down Litter Box triggers an instinctual fear response from dogs, warding off any who may be sniffing around for a snack.
